Our Founder, Willy Ouma has called a Team Trip for August 2019 and we would really like to have each and every person that was and is and is to come on board for this team trip. Now as I write this the time frame is more than a year away, but time has a way of moving faster than we expect and the team trip will be upon us before we realize August 2019 is our now.
Taking a trip as a team is an effort that is not trivial by any means, especially to a foreign country and especially in areas where they don't have resorts and cater to the vacation crowd. A team trip means we will not only have agendas, but we will also have prayer, fellowship, sharing of our skills and educational experiences and most of all, our testimony, and we all have them, some of us, more so than we are willing sometimes to admit.
Our team trips also will generally include our Board of Directors. While our board meets regularly using technology, this is a trip that will highlight and enhance them in ways no other meeting we have can accomplish. It is a time to see with their own eyes what GOD has done, what being a decision maker and good steward can do in GOD's hands. It is a time of humbling and refreshment in the journey all of us are called to be part of daily.
We truly would love to have many donor partners, volunteers and those seeking a mission trip as part of their Spiritual and Life experience. Seeing first hand what GOD is up to and how his thoughts are above our thoughts and ways above our ways for each of his children no matter the age or the place he has put them in, at any moment of their earthly journey.
The trip is so important to us that our Founder Willy Ouma will even be your planning helper and when you go to the Travel part of our website and click any image it will take you to our specific request form where you can take step 2 in the process. What is step 1, you ask, it is the same step that you take in any decision, prayer, asking GOD to make a way when maybe at this moment you see no way. There is nothing impossible for GOD when it is his will for you and when it will bring your heart to give him all the Glory for what he does in your life with every blessing you receive and acknowledge in him.
Jesus said, Seek first the kingdom of GOD and all things will be added unto you. Well then, seek GOD and see if he would love to have you come along in this trip with the team. We are reaching out now so those that want to join can start getting things ready, get passports, get work vacation arrangements or family time planning started. Our founder will guide you in the costs associated with the journey and what are the recommended steps and expectations that you will need to be prepared and ready to have accomplished so the mechanics of the journey don't become the focus of your journey, but just the vehicle that will get you there.
Since 2012, when Give Hope Ministries started there have been many challenges, but nothing happens without GOD putting together those that are needed to do his good works and in doing so, many scripture passages come alive. In Philippians 1:6, we are confident that the good work he started in you will continue to the day of Christ Jesus. While each believer in Jesus Christ wishes for the day of his return to be now, we also have the promise that what we do and what was started in our lives, like being part of Give Hope Ministries will fulfill that promise, even if we go home when GOD calls, or when Jesus returns, the Gift we have now is to give, share the good news and show love for one another. This is the last new command Jesus gave us to Love one another. and what better love can be given than to the least of these, the children that are looked upon by an Angel that also see's the face of GOD at the same moment.
God bless you richly and may his face constantly shine upon each of you that read and share this message. I, as a board member myself, look forward to meeting many people on this trip, those that are part of this journey as GOD would have you join in or as you have been on the journey with us from the beginning.
Ray E Smith