Blessed Progressions

Our lives often seem busier than we were design to endure. We don't often stop to smile, to enjoy a water feature in a park or the laughter of children playing, enjoying the day. We lose the reality of things which are simple, trying to find if there is anything different under the sun.

In the 2017 and now 2018 project year at Give Hope Ministries, the sun rises and the moon reflects the same light before us day by day. There is no doubt about GOD's invisible attributes at Give Hope Ministries. GOD is working to answer our prayers and those of our growing family of orphans and local children with his specific and glorious blessings for which we desire to share and give him all the Glory for providing.

The children needed a replacement bus, GOD, prayer and support of our donor warriors came together and procured and delivered the replacement school bus we needed. There were moments when it was not so certain such an endeavor could come to pass, but we had to trust in GOD and how he makes a way when no way seems possible. THE BUS HAS ARRIVED! We stop and give thanks for his Glorious answer to this very critical need.

There is no doubt it was as bright an arrival to the children as to the caregivers and workers in Busia Uganda and the Board of Directors in the USA and the Founder to go from a small, constantly needing maintenance vehicle with to many kilometers to count to a Diesel Bus that seats up to 40 children and again shows the community what GOD, Prayer and the needs to be fulfilled granted by the promise that GOD will always provide for the needs of his children.

We also were blessed to progress on the completion of more Classrooms. As Give Hope Ministries continues to grow to nearly 300 wonderful blessings of children which are eager to learn, to share and receive the Hope that is from our Lord through Jesus Christ we needed more Classrooms. The current Classrooms are built, have roofs and now the interior items are under completion. These Classrooms have tile Floors so the children can focus on their educations and learning and don't have to concern themselves with the outside world of rain, heat and dirt that are found so many places. Again, GOD does not just give the minimum, GOD goes above and beyond all we can ask or think.

Blessed and Progress is also realized by a new Toilet facility for the Children with flushing water and septic system. Unlike the common previous system which is like a Military Latrine, this one will use a combination of our old hand dug well and rain water run off, a pump and will use gravity to flush to a septic tank which can then be routinely emptied by a local Septic cleaning service.

This really helps to keep the grounds and the water table clear of waste products and provides a healthier place for the children to learn, play and grow. The project still has a bit to go for completion, but the building and the septic tank are completed and now the water system is under design and waiting on the next round of donations from our donor partners to complete that project. GOD has provided and will certainly provide again for the needs as he sees fit.

The blessings continue on each project with help of the local community. We always have help with the labor needed to build and make these things happen. They also are able to use some of the deep well water which improves their lives by not having water that needs to be boils to even have a small drink or wash or cook food.

Along with the Church community at Give Hope Ministries, this local interest and connection with Give Hope Ministries presence helps the outreach program and it also helps many see that it is possible to learn and break the cycle of poverty with education, spiritual, mind, body and skills so they not only have the Hope that is in Jesus Christ, but also the Hope that life can be lived with less struggle in the things which we need to live and enjoy and do what GOD would have us do, Spread the Gospel message, and Love our Neighbors. We will be launching a Bible Drive so that we can reach out to the community and let them have the chance to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in the reading and understanding of his word and by the change in their lives.

We also are blessed to have a new Video coming out shortly, June 2018 in fact, so you can see what is going on and how things are progressing. The Founder, Willy Ouma humbly gives thanks to everyone that has been helping in some way. The donations given can't really have justice to the donors in our gratitude from all of us at Give Hope Ministries. We also know we must also show that Gratitude by being good stewards of what we receive and show that together, with GOD in the lead, we can change the lives of what Jesus called the least of these.

We have been and continue to be the receivers of the Blessed Progressions from heaven above, from donor partners that help, give and continue with us and share what we are doing with others and build our partners. In 2018 and 2019 we would love to find volunteer partners and one of the projects we are going to attempt will be a Volunteer and Visitor Center to give Mission Trips offerings to come and be part of changing the lives of those that start in Poverty, Orphans and see no hope, to the blessed, highly favored and destined for greatness that GOD has created in each of us.

We ask that GOD bless you as you read this, as you GIVE and as you Partner with Give Hope Ministry in every way, even if you are only able to give a word of prayer, GOD can multply any gift when given from the heart.

God Bless you with his exceeding abundant grace and his mercy.




Wow already 2018 year is upon us. We are so grateful to GOD for providing everything we have been praying about in 2017. Certainly we could not do it without the Partners and Donors helping these children grow in so many ways. Continue in your Prayers and Support in 2018 and beyond.

We prayed for a replacement school bus for the children. It is on the way! Thank you for all you have done to help us get this much-needed part of supporting each child’s growth. Watch for pictures shortly.

We have over 200 children getting clean water from the drilled well last year. The facility is maturing as the plants along with the kids are growing.

First of the year is always busy as the third graduating class is also getting ready for those national exams that will promote them on to more education and another stage of continuing out of the cycle of poverty.

We of course still have projects ahead for 2018 and we know that each one of our Partner Donors will be there with us all the way.

We have the final phase of our classrooms to complete!

We have the next phase of a new restroom on planning now to provide the Hygiene for the children and staff that is needed for healthy and happy people.

We have a great flow of other projects right behind these, including adding the orphan homes and a church building so the Glory of the Lord can expand into the community more and more.

GOD have provided for everything and we along with each of you rejoice.

YES, the children are getting daily meals, education and skills of learning to take care of chickens, harvesting eggs, agriculture and proving out in real-time the model the founder Willy Ouma originally envisioned. Proverbs academy is near being a facility that will one soon be fully self-supporting and provide a long-term place for children to be safe, learn, grow and know the Lord Jesus Christ in their life.

This year we are adding other avenues of sharing what is going on at Give Hope Ministries to invite mission groups to be part of our growth. Help the children by inviting more partners to consider coming and seeing with their own eyes how Give Hope Ministries is the hand of GOD at work and help us bring back to their organizations and churches just what GOD does actively do to change the world of these children and the community with each donor and partners involvement.

We would love to have each of you go to the bottom of our home page and be added to your email listing. We want to send out quarterly newsletters, and give other timely communications to our Partner Donors as we continue our GROWTH to give Glory to the LORD.

Please look around our website and notice items such a Radio Show recording with the Founder, and other items that might be of interest as well, all added to give you and others what is needed to help GIVE HOPE MINISTRIES GROW in 2018 and beyond.

Remember to visit our Facebook Page as well and look for other added Social Media links in 2018 so you can share and keep up with what is happening as the LORD’s hand works in every way for the Least of These.

God Bless you and we are blessed by each of you,

Ray Smith


Thirst No More

By Ray Smith

God provides for our needs. Here at Give Hope Ministries, we see that promise fulfilled daily. We needed to have a clean and accessible water supply for the children, staff and care givers at Give Hope. In prayer we asked the One who could provide it, doing so in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and out of those prayers it became a reality.

The Lord brought to our team board member Richard Zander, who had the knowledge to lead us into obtaining fresh water at the facility. There were other ideas presented, but this was the most expeditious and cost effective, as fresh water had become a first priority within our growing ministry. After visiting and spending time at Give Hope, he worked on ideas, cost, and logistics to present solutions to the founder and board of directors. Richard then worked on connecting with others through his personal and professional relationships. First seeking GOD, and then with others in the field of expertise, he searched for a solution that would be truly realistic and could be performed by a local team of professionals equipped to dig a deep well and add a proper pump at a location that would enhance our facility.

Thanks to Draco (U) ltd.’s expertise, today more than 222 children and staff receive God’s provision of fresh water, daily. We are very thankful first to GOD, to Draco (U) ltd., to the Donors, and to everyone that helped in some way to be the Lord’s hands and feet on this project.  

Draco (U) ltd. performed a site survey, dug the well, performed a pump test, set the casing and the well pump in place, and even provided a report for review. You can see the finished pump station here.

We will soon add a day tank so the fresh water is ready for instantaneous use. Today, the children no longer need to travel long distances to a place of standing water teaming with parasites. Today, we no longer need to boil in order to obtain even one drinkable sip. Today, we have fresh water that no longer threatens the health of our children.

God gets the glory and we give him all the praise. In prayers and through faith with actions from each of our team, each of our suppliers, professionals, donors, caregivers, workers, board members, Pastor Steve and founder Willy Ouma, we receive yet another way in which God the Holy Father shows his love by providing for our needs, even to the least of these. For it is written;

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27.

We have other projects to accomplish and we pray for your help with gratitude to accomplish each one of them. You can see the list of other projects here at the bottom of the page. Please look at everything, and give as it purposes in your heart. You can give donations, you can offer help as a mission trip or get your church or organization involved in other areas of need. Contact us with your questions or ideas so we can see how they can be a fit for our growth and how we can give Glory to God for his provisions.

As we look at long-term impact, our prayer is that the children at Give Hope Ministries will be able — through Faith in Christ Jesus and the education they receive — to break the cycle of poverty around them and use the provisions God gives them to sustain their families and live lives full of the grace and mercy given from heaven above.

One of our students caring for the chicks.

One of our students caring for the chicks.

This has always been the goal of founder Willy Ouma, an orphan himself. We creatively seek ways to use the resources God has given to further his Kingdom and to help our children and their families. Recently the purchase of 1,000 chickens will be used not only to supply food for the children, but also to bring in additional income to offset expenses. Endeavors like these help us move towards our goal of someday becoming a self-sustaining organization. Your donations and your work with us is helping us move closer towards that goal.

Thank you for being part of our team to help the least of these. For according to Jesus Christ, they are the greatest in the Kingdom.

“Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.” Matthew 18:4-5

God Bless,
